Do you want to help to generate

With your donations you help to generate female talent and help society define their future and multiply its generation and contribution of value to it.

Donations to the Foundation

At Woman Forward we look for your support in order to help us to transfer to society the principal values that characterise female leadership through our programs to promote women occupying more spaces in society.

Tax Advantages

With your first 150 euros you will recover 120 euros on your income statement, so this donation will cost 30 euros for you. From 150 euros a deduction of 35% applies. If you have been a recurring donor for more than a year, the reduction will be 40% for any amount. If you are a legal person, the reduction for any amount will be 40%.

These deductions are not applicable in Navarra or the Basque Country.

If you want to know more, you can consult RDL 17/2020 of May 5, modifying article 19 of Law 49/2002, on the tax regime of non-profit entities and incentives for patronage. For donations made from January 1, 2020 (applicable in the 2020 income statement), personal income tax payers will be entitled to a deduction of 5% more on the deduction basis, by which our organisation is governed.

Donate your time

Our projects are a reality because there are people like you, who selflessly contribute their time, experience, knowledge, and commitment.

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Donate your time

Collaborate with the Foundation with your experience, knowledge and commitment.

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