We are a non-profit institution that creates value in organizations by promoting female talent and gender equality. Women and men committed to civil society, willing to join forces to increase the participation and influence of women in decision-making spheres in the social and economic sphere.
Serve society and organizations by contributing to the use and enhancement of female talent, to promote competitiveness , social and business sustainability and corporate governance.
We are a non-profit institution that promotes female empowerment and gender diversity; women and men committed to civil society, willing to join forces to promote female leadership, increasing the participation and influence of women in decision-making spheres of the social and economic sphere. Woman Forward promotes equality measures in companies that promote female talent and help strengthen the role of women in the company.
Legislative programs and proposals
Preparation of legislative proposals aimed at all political groups, in all areas related to equal opportunities and corporate governance.
Scientific research and dissemination
Carrying out and disseminating scientific studies and research on gender equality and diversity policies, female entrepreneurship, female development and leadership, gender gap, technological gender gap, access to positions of maximum decision, WoB, corporate governance, among others.
Training and employment
Promotion and awareness
At the Woman Forward Foundation we have created a research committee and a think tank made up of business leaders to study the impact of gender equality in organizations and their contribution to the economy as a whole.
From the Think Tank we disseminate actions so that companies benefit from useful knowledge for their competitiveness, sustainability and good governance.
The Think-tank proposes awareness-raising objectives, using scientific research, collecting proposals for the creation of value of empowerment and female leadership in the company and in particular to the highest decision positions.
Paloma Bilbao
Profesora de Gestión Estratégica en la Universidad Pontifica Comillas ICAI-ICADE
From the Woman Forward Foundation we created the First Edition of the Corporate Governance and Gender Diversity Awards in order to inspire gender diversity in the world of organizations
The priority objective of the award is to distinguish companies and institutions that have gender diversity integrated into the framework of good corporate governance, and subsidiarily, to obtain the greatest possible social impact in favor of the value of diversity in the corporate world and in organizations, institutions and society.
Mirian Izquierdo is a lawyer-economist with a Master’s degree in Community Law and digital business management, with a Diploma in Boards of Directors from Harvard Business School and in negotiation by the Karras group. She speaks 5 languages. Author of several books on European and international trade issues, some of which are referenced as “Business Manual before the European Union” or “The European Union before local and territorial entities”, and more recently in relation to the creation of value in boards management and gender diversity, such as “Equal Opportunities, Advancing Female Leadership” or research published with Professor Huse.
Maryam Luzárraga Monasterio is an economist lawyer who is an expert in strategic planning and business competitiveness, advice to start ups and Business Angel. She has developed her professional experience abroad and in the environment of large consulting multinationals as a partner. She holds a Master’s degree in European law and international trade from the University of Deusto, Robert Schumann, the University of Leuven and the Solvay Business School and ESADE.
Paloma Barandiarán is a legal director, practicing attorney, CEO GSG Legal Counsel, civil and criminal area, focused on LegalTech and innovation strategies for its application in legal areas.
16 years of experience in the Courts, knowledge about LegalTech and innovation, adequate training in each legal area; such as “International Business Law”, ”Compliance”, and “LegalTech”, “civil and criminal process” “labor”.
During her professional stage, she has developed as an independent lawyer, and has been a lawyer for large companies such as the bank of Santander, assuming control and management of external law firms at the national level and making decisive decisions in judicial processes that were of special relevance in that year of crisis in the middle of 2011, and was subsequently called by the Santalucía Group in its initiative to create a law firm outside the company, in which she provided professional services and knowledge as a litigation lawyer.
She is currently in charge of a large team of lawyers at GSG Legal Counsel, distributed in offices located in Spain, Europe and Latin America, who work in all disciplines: civil, commercial, criminal, labor, administrative, and LegalTech matters.
Mario de Gaviria has a degree in economics from the Complutense University of Madrid. He was a consultant for Olsen & Baringo, consulting from 1996 to 2000 and worked as a financial analyst focused on international business development especially in Mexico.
Carlos Fernández Astiz is a journalist and specialist in Communication. Doctor in Information Sciences. He has been Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Humanities of the UEM and professor at various Spanish and foreign universities and Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Humanities in Madrid. Consultant in political and corporate communication for companies in various sectors, as well as parties, institutions and entities, in their electoral and communication processes.
Teresa Serrano
Directora de Compliance e Investigadora de la Cátedra de Mercados Financieros de Universidad CEU San Pablo
Álvaro Vázquez
Jefe de Comercio electrónico y ecommerce en Diario ABC, Fundador de DDigitals
Paloma Bilbao
Profesora de Gestión Estratégica en la Universidad Pontifica Comillas ICAI-ICADE
Alexandra Polacci
Asesor de Gestión Estratégica, Expansión y Relaciones Institucionales en APD