What is the Woman Forward Remuneration Register©?

It is a tool for transparency and management of equal pay between women and men, which is managed through the Cloud platform of the WF© Foundation, to guarantee the duty of diligence in the salary field.

Tool for Compliance with, among others, Royal Decree 902/2020, of October 13, on equal pay between women and men, which entered into force on April 14, 2021, which is mandatory for all companies, regardless of the number of working people who have.

What are the advantages of the Woman Forward Foundation Remuneration Registry© tool?

It allows the creation of the annual register of average and median values by professional groups, occupational categories or positions of equal value of wages, disaggregating wage supplements as well as extrasalarial perceptions.

It offers the communication model for the legal representation of the staff.

It has a repository to collect all the communications that are generated, as well as the history of all the records made.

It provides the responsible persons with a guided process that guarantees its realization.

Optimize completion times.

Identify existing deviations, circumstances and factors that motivate them.

Self-generates the Remuneration Registration document.

It allows to implement an action plan to improve equality in the organization, as well as a management system

Having the Woman Forward Foundation as a partner in equality matters contributes to making your company a more equitable, strategic, sustainable and profitable company.

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